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Ontario Player Development League

Please contact the lead coach regarding Phase 3 OPDL trials

What is the Ontario Player Development League?

The OPDL is the pinnacle of development for youth in Ontario. In 2022, 28 Licence Holders and two partners will operate in the OPDL, with over 190 teams and 3,000 players participating from Windsor to Ottawa. The geographic placement of the OPDL demonstrates both the continued growth and ever expanding reach of the program across Ontario. 

2024 OPDL coaching staff

OPDL Trials for 2025 season

Phase I – Players outside the Talented Player Pathway only

  • Objective: Identify players outside OPDL environments
  • Activity: Open Trials and Invitation Only Trials
  • Period: September 3 to October 21, 2024

Phase II – Players within the Talented Player Pathway

  • Objective: Select Full-Time Players
  • Activity: Open Trials and Invitation Only Trials
  • Period: October 22 to February 4, 2025

Phase III – Any Player

  • Objective: Identify players inside & outside OPDL environments for remaining spots
  • Activity: Open Trials and Invitation Only Trials
  • Period: February 5 to April 5, 2025 

Open Trials

An open trial is open to players who desire an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to participate within an OPDL Licence Holder and is of the appropriate age for registration and gender for the team’s designation.

OPDL Players are eligible to participate in Trials during Phase II and III

In order to provide a more responsible evaluation process, no more than 35 players are allowed at each open trial.  

A player must have the opportunity to attend a minimum of three Open Trials before a final decision is made on that player.

Licence Holders are permitted to, although not recommended, charge a reasonable fee for a player to participate in an open trial. Fee should be designated to cover operational costs to run trials.

Players may attend more than one open trial simultaneously with different OPDL Licence Holders.

Respect in Sport

The Durham Region Soccer Association is proud to be taking a leadership role in protecting the best interests of kids, and all those involved in our game, by introducing the Respect in Sport Parent Program to our organization. As the first District Association within Ontario Soccer to be taking this important step, following the lead of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and other sports organizations in Ontario Durham Region Soccer Association is making the Respect in Sport Parent Program mandatory for one parent or guardian of each player for 2017 to complete the program.  The program is transferable from hockey or any other sport it was completed for, and covers the entire family.  Please help us to help you make soccer safe and fun for all participants.

NEW for 2017 - it is mandatory for one parent or guardian to complete the Respect in Sport Parent Program.  For more details and FAQ's

For team officials of travelling and competitive teams, team officials (including managers) must take the Activity Leaders module to validate the team official book.

Requests for Refunds

The OPDL program does not accept requests for refunds. 

Any player electing to leave the program after the official OPDL training start date in January each year is responsible for their full OPDL program financial commitment as set out in the payment plan (January to September inclusive).  Total OPDL fees as outlined by the Club are to be paid in full before player de-registration can be considered.

In the event of an injury which prevents a player from participating for the remainder of the OPDL contract, notification (including a signed Doctor's note) must be provided in writing within five days from a professional medical doctor to the Club Registrar.  Pending the approval of the Technical Director,  the payment schedule may be stopped in such instance.  No credits or refund of monies will be issued.