Whitby FC supports and complies with the Volunteer Screening Guidelines and Requirements of our governing bodies, Durham Region Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer.
All COMPETITIVE and RECREATIONAL TEAM coaches and registered Team Staff shall comply with the policy and procedures set out below:
High Risk Positions
Team Officials (coaches, assistant coaches, managers, assistant managers) of LTPD, OPDL and Competitive who play in District, Regional and Provincial Leagues are deemed High Risk Positions and must comply with the following screening measures:
- Complete and submit an Ontario Soccer Application form for each season (indoor and outdoor) and for each team they are listed as a team official
- New team officials are required to submit 3 References (name, e-mail address, phone number) - to be verified by Club (excluding family members, Whitby FC staff and board members or team officials on same team)
- Police Record Check (which must include a Vulnerable Sector check) are good for one year and must be dated no earlier than September 30 of the previous year. Returning coaches, or any competitive team staff member with The Club, must submit an up to date PRC including Vulnerable Sector Check annually
- New Team Officials, must also arrange a screening interview with the Club Office.
- New Coaches and Assistant Coaches must provide the Club with copies of current Ontario Soccer coaching certificate, Respect In Sport for Activity Leaders certificate, Making Ethical Decisions Certificate and Making Headway - Concussion Module. Managers must also provide their Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders certification.
All RECREATIONAL TEAM coaches and registered Team Staff shall comply with the policy and procedures set out below:
Low Risk Positions
Youth Recreational Team Officials and Mini Soccer Team Officials (for ages 3 to 18 inclusive) are deemed Low Risk and must comply with the following screening measures:
- Complete and submit (online or by hard copy) an Ontario Soccer Application form
- Police Record Check (which must include a Vulnerable Sector check) are good for 3 years and must be dated no earlier than September 30 of the previous year.
- Disclosure Form
- Details of our complete Screening Policy are available in the Club Policies & Procedures.
Questions may be directed to the Club Office.